George Lois continues to prove that a memorable brand name interacting with a strong visual symbol to communicate a humanistic idea is the ultimate art form in popular graphic communication. His Big Idea branding and logo design, developed with a built-in, conceptual, "catchy" brand name, can visually impart information in a nanosecond, delivering a specific ethos with a penetrating promise of power that immediately sears a product's virtues into a viewers' brain-and has the potential of bringing instantaneous success.
Lois boldly states, "My goal, with the vast majority of the brands I have named and logos I have designed, is to create 'humanistic' symbols, driven by a pregnant idea, visualizing some recognizable aspect of the human experience, and magically relating it to a unique selling proposition that empowers great advertising and promotion." If anyone wants to experience the creation of Big Idea Branding, this astounding compilation of the work of George Lois is the ultimate form of clear, precise, eye-popping communication.