Do you wake up every morning feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed? Are you constantly reaching for coffee, soft drinks or some other promise of energy just to keep yourself going? Do you struggle through the day - tired, irritable, forgetful, depressed and craving sweets - only to have trouble sleeping at night? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions - you're not alone. In fact, hundreds of thousands of women are fighting these same feelings as they strive to live the lives they want.
In Are You Tired and Wired?, Marcelle Pick, author of The Core Balance Diet, gives you the knowledge and tools to overcome this epidemic of fatigue.
* Discover the hidden epidemic of adrenal dysfunction that is the root cause of major health problem
* Find out why the modern world causes our adrenal glands to become overloaded and the simple plan that breaks free from this dangerous pattern
* Enjoy easy diet and lifestyle changes in a clear, easy-to-follow formula that will see you regain your natural energy and live a happier and less-stressed life.