This is especially true for today's women, who are often caught between cultural conditioning toward being "nice" and the need to protect their own well-being. With that in mind, Cole presents Boundary Boss, a comprehensive guide for any woman who wants to master creating and maintaining healthy boundaries.
In Boundary Boss, Cole's proven methodology is based on her Five Pillars of Transformation for examining and adjusting your personal and professional limits. Each of these overarching themes branches into more specific lessons about mindful communication, body language techniques, and how to deal with the guilt, fear, or backlash that arises when finally setting a boundary. Cole offers an actionable tool kit of scripts, strategies, and practices that can be used in the moment, whenever you need them.
"For every single client who has walked through my office doors, no matter what their presenting problem, boundaries and effective communication (or lack thereof) are at the root of their pain," writes Cole. With Boundary Boss, you'll discover tools for transcending that pain and creating a healthier, happier life.