This beautifully illustrated book tells the full story of this prestigious tournament: from its humble beginnings in 1927 when Great Britain played the USA for a trophy provided by seed merchant Samuel Ryder; the post-war dominance of the US team; the introduction of European golfers into the GB and Ireland team in the late 1970s; to the titanic, see-saw struggles of the modern day, including Team USA's historic victory in 2016. It looks at each of the Ryder Cup tournaments with features on the great players, pairings, captains and courses along the way.
A book for sports fans everywhere, Ryder Cup: A History is the definitive book chronicling the excitement and prestige of this global sporting event with a foreword by Europe's greatest ever Ryder Cup captain, Tony Jacklin CBE.
The Ryder Cup is one of the world's most prestigious sporting contests. Fiercely fought every two years, it uniquely pits teams from two golfing giants - Europe and the USA - against each other in a sport that is more usually associated with individual play.
But this is no simple exhibition match - both international glory and team pride are at stake. The best players from both sides of the Atlantic fight for a place on their respective teams and team captaincy is a major responsibility. The huge TV coverage and audience expectation that accompanies each Ryder Cup propels the event onto the front pages of the world's press, creating unrivaled excitement for spectators and fever-pitch pressure for the world's greatest golfing superstars.