Using an easy to follow, three-stage model, this fourth edition provides the answers to those all important questions:
- what are counselling skills and why are they important?
- how can I become more skilled and put the skills I have learnt into practice?
- what skills will help me manage crises and work effectively with diversity, ethical issues and dilemmas?
- how can I help my client to develop their own self-helping skills and maintain change after the counselling relationship has terminated?
Accessible, practical and concise, this new edition is packed full of up-to-date case examples, more material on self-care and diversity, as well as a brand new chapter on "Using Technology in Counselling". This is the ideal text for introductory courses in counselling skills, counselling and other professional areas including health care, management, education and social work.
Richard Nelson-Jones has many years' experience as a counsellor, trainer and psychotherapist. His books have helped train thousands of counsellors and helpers worldwide. He is a Fellow of the British and Australian Psychological Societies and of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.