The "Eyewitness Science" series follows the story of science, tracing the major discoveries through the eyes of the great scientists. The text is simple and straightforward, and each spread contains...
Perfect for football fans who like a good giggle, Football Jokes is filled with hundreds of the most hilarious football jokes around! With funny illustrations by Jane Eccles, young footie...
Are you a human sponge? Do you thirst for facts, trivia and knowledge? If so, this is the book for you!Based on the hugely popular Historopedia by John and Fatti...
A brand new collection of poetry by former Children's Laureate Michael Rosen, author of We're Going on a Bear Hunt, with illustrations by acclaimed artist Ed Vere. What would it...
Dr Alex George's debut book for children and young people.What if we could think of mental health in a positive way? Sweep away the rain clouds. Talk about what's on...
The No.1 football series - over 1 million copies sold!This is the story of Jordan Henderson, captain of Liverpool Football Club and midfield powerhouse for the England national team. Follow...
The No.1 football series - over 1 million copies sold! 'The Barcelona fans were already standing - they had seen the things that Lionel could do with the ball at...
Is Lionel Messi your number 1 footballer? In this NEWLY REVISED edition, we bring you fully up to date with Messi's story so far and feature his stats and achievements...
It includes the stories of 'The Children of Lir', 'Deirdre of the Sorrows', 'Setanta', 'The Salmon of Knowledge', 'Fionn and the Dragon', 'Oisin in Tir na n-Og'.Sensitively written, these stories...
Welcome to the Fairy Forest! Join the graceful Ballet Fairies as they prepare for another dazzling stage performance. There's the Fairy Foot Parlour to visit, the Ballet Boutique and Miss...
CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2019SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER"A very funny and inspiring read! Brilliantly practical with a wide variety of examples that make it relevant for both boys...
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