Waters explores the process by which the hope of a society was sabotaged and plundered in the name of a mis-defined freedom and a utopia of the now. In the...
In her long-awaited new book, Sister Stan draws upon her memories of childhood and the special moments of awareness and mystery which have nourished and enriched her life. As she...
I Loved Jesus in the Night is one priest's compelling memories of the icon of compassion. Sharing anecdote and firsthand experiences, Fr. Paul Murray gives a glimpse into why Mother...
The unique, the unusual, the rare - these are the features that form the criteria for selection in Brian Harris's wonderful guide to churches and cathedrals. Here is a man...
What is discernment? Who was Peter Faber? Why do the Jesuits exude such optimism? Awareness. Emotions. Love. Work. We use such words every day in normal conversation, but those same...
Life in Abundance: Studies of John's Gospel in Tribute to Raymond E. Brown, SS is a collection of essays, edited by John R. Donahue, SJ, which includes papers given at...
The moments collected in this book range from -the sad loss of a loved one -to the minor -the nuiseance of daffodils -and in between embrace an unlikely variety of...
A Vital Ministry describes the situation of the 'post-millennium' generation of the young as threatening to their human flourishing. Their economic, political and cultural context is potentially oppressive, and the...
Based on three days of teaching in London May 1999, this book is an edited version of the Dalai Lama's discourse on one of the most profound and sacred texts...
The so-called 'missing years of Jesus' - the 18 years that are unaccounted for in the Bible from when Jesus was a boy of 12 to his sudden reappearance at...
"Lapsed Agnostic" tells the story of one man's journey from belief to un-belief and back again. In the style of his bestseller "Jiving at the Crossroads", John Waters explores his...
The insights found in The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight have touched the lives of many millons of people; they are not theoretical. When we become aware of how...
In this companion to "A Return to Love" Marianne Williamson returns to her spiritual roots, writing on the art of nurturing a thriving soul in a harsh world. What do...
Winner of the PEN/Ackerley Prize 2013.At the tender age of fourteen, Richard Holloway left his home town of Alexandria, north of Glasgow, and travelled hundreds of miles to be educated...
The dialogue expands . . . When Neale Donald Walsch was experiencing one of the lowest points of his life, he decided to write a letter to God. What he...
Even Jennifer herself has in the light of severe recent tragedies found herself gaining a new understanding of all she has been through. This book looks back at the traumas...
Why do people have near-death experiences? Are there physical explanations for those out-of-body sensations and tunnels of light? And what about moments of spiritual ecstasy? If Buddha had been in...
In this follow-up to Incarnational Ministry: Being with the Church, Samuel Wells explores what it means for Christians and churches to engage with the world. Drawing on the Gospels, Acts,...
Pope Francis wants to bring about a quiet revolution within the Catholic Church. He wants a reformed church in which the `sense of the faithful', the instinct of baptised men...
From 1998 to 2009, over eighty papers were presented at the annual Ceifin conferences, focusing on key social issues facing Ireland. Values - Leadership - Change: Messages from Ceifin is...
In 2015 Pope Francis published Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home, the first papal encyclical devoted exclusively to the subject of the environment. Released to glowing reviews both...
This new book from James Alison has all the brilliance, wit and panache that have made him one of the most influential contemporary Catholic writers. Celebrated for his firm but...
The title comes from research that shows people are happiest on Fridays. Pastor Joel Osteen writes how we can generate this level of contentment and joy every day of the...
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