In the face of such pervasive human suffering, New York Times best-selling author and legendary life coach Iyanla Vanzant challenges us: What if it's not them - what if it's you? What if you need to 'get over it' - and get over yourself? Because no matter how much we would like to blame people and circumstances beyond our control, the truth is staggeringly simple: anything and everything we experience is a function of what and how we think.
In Get Over It! Iyanla offers a unique spiritual technology called 'thought therapy', a process that harnesses proven spiritual tools with the science of neuroplasticity. The 42 prayers and affirmations, and complementary energy-clearing tools at the heart of the thought therapy process are designed to neutralize and eliminate the unconscious, unproductive, soul-destroying dominant negative thought patterns (DNTPs) and discordant emotional energies, allowing you to get to the root cause of your personal suffering, and make life-affirming choices.
If you're ready to break free of your ego's resistance and willing to face yourself, willing to change, and willing to heal and grow - then now's the time to Get Over It!