Have you ever faked sleep at 3 a.m. in a perverse game of 'baby monitor chicken' with your partner? Or wondered exactly how dire the consequences of an incorrect measurement of formula might be?
Have you fought off the urge to strangle the feral child who smeared something unidenitfiable on the playground slide just before your toddler used it? Or fought off the urge to strangle your own while they repeatedly shout 'What's up f**kface?' to all and sundry during a trip to the supermarket?
If you're a new parent, you've probably done at least one of the above. And if you have, it's OK, as Drew Magary expertly demonstrates in this hilarious book. Drew's commentary on the perils of modern-day fatherhood is so acutely observed, and so brilliantly told, that in a perfect world it would be advertised at NCT classes, endorsed by Gina Ford, and handed out in every new parent's Bounty bag.
Read it for yourself, give it your partner, or get it for anyone you know who you suspect might be about to fall into the parent trap . . .