Isadora Duncan - on her sickbed, writes a feverishly passionate letter to her lover, the actor Gordon Craig. Mother Teresa of Calcutta - 'Life is ...'. Colonel Tim Collins of the Royal Irish Regiment, March 19 2003 - 'We come not to conquer ...". Emma Lazarus - 'The New Colossus' (plaque on Statue of Liberty). Joseph Stalin - first broadcast to the Russian people after the German invasion, July 3 1941. Mahatma Gandhi - 'I am a man of peace ...'. Abraham Lincoln - on leaving Springfield, Illinois, to take the oath as President. February 11, 1861. Cicero - quoting Cato the Elder, in De Senectute (On Old Age), 44 BC. Charles Lindbergh - describing the last minutes of his pioneering non-stop flight from New York to Paris in 1927. Nelson Mandela - 'I am the First Accused'. Buddha - 'All acts of living creatures become bad by ten things ...'. Benjamin Franklin - writes a first draft of his own epitaph. Thomas Jefferson - 'Force cannot change right ...Winston Churchill - 'Never in the field of human conflict ...'. Adolf Hitler - 'My patience is now at an end'. Edward Everett - President of Harvard on the protest of the student body against the admission of a Negro student.
Francis Bacon - 'This world's a bubble; and the life of Man Less than a span ...'. Horatio Nelson - 'Separated from all I hold dear in this world ...'. Charlotte Cushman - inscription on the curtain of Ford's Opera House, Baltimore. Shakespeare - 'Once more unto the breach ...' Henry V. Marie Antoinette - letter to her sister on the day of her execution. Ludwig Van Beethoven - 'I carry my ideas about me for along time, often a very long time...'. Aldous Huxley 1920- 'A million million spermatozoa ...'. Eleanor Roosevelt - speaking on the function of hatred in a just cause. Indira Gandhi - 'Women's education is almost more important than the education of boys and men.'