Created for pre-school children, the aim of this new and innovative collection is to unite reading time with playtime and manual creativity. In each volume, the pages of text are alternated with puzzle pages to put back together: in order to see how many sheep there are in the field, or what the bird's house is made of, children will have to piece together Ronnie Gazzola's illustrations on their own, giving then a whole new sense of satisfaction!
Depending on the volume, the puzzles are made up of 1 or 6 pieces: in both cases they are very easy to put back together, but at the same time stimulating and exciting (and made in durable cardboard!).
In "Numbers and colours with Leo the Chameleon" and "Life on the Farm", the two-piece puzzles will teach children to count from one to five and to recognize colours together with some lovely little animals; in "Where do they live?" and "Little Dinosaur", the six-piece puzzles will teach them to link each animal to their home in the first book and all about the most famous dinosaurs in the second.
This is a sure method for children to learn with ease and above all having lots of fun!