While holidaying at a villa on the French Riviera, Dick and Nicole Diver, a wealthy American couple, meet the young film star Rosemary Hoyt. Her arrival causes a stir in...
Inspired by Fitzgerald's own courtship of his future wife Zelda, 'The Last of the Belles' centres on the Southern beauty Ailie Calhoun from Tarleton, Georgia, who finds herself the object...
Monroe Stahr is a film producer at the height of his career, revered by the industry and in control of every aspect of his business empire. In his ruthless rise...
The heir to his grandfather's considerable fortune, Anthony Patch is led astray from the path to gainful employment by the temptations and distractions of the 1920s Jazz Age. His descent...
'I want to give a really bad party. I mean it. I want to give a party where there's a brawl and seductions and people going home with their feelings...
From Collins Classics and the author of 'The Great Gatsby' comes this razor-sharp satire on the excesses of the Jazz Age. From the author of The Great Gatsby, a tale...
The Great American Novel of love and betrayal in the Jazz Age is now a major film. 'I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I...
This Side of Paradise charts the life of Amory Blaine, an ambitious young man loosely based on Fitzgerald himself, as he moves from his well-heeled Midwest home to study at...
Fitzgerald's classic coming-of-age tale set against the turbulence of the early 20th century.'I sure am up in the air. I know I'm not a regular fellow, yet I loathe anybody...
One of literature's most decadent stories is now available in an exclusive collector's edition, featuring beautiful cover art from artist Laci Fowler and decorative interior pages, making it ideal for...
The heir to his grandfather's considerable fortune, Anthony Patch is led astray from the path to gainful employment by the temptations of the 1920s Jazz Age. His descent into dissolution...
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